Misaya 가 전하는 시즌4 변경사안
아마도 이번 시즌4때 변경될것같은 사안입니다.
1. 미니언 스폰 시간이 1:00으로 변경됩니다.
2. 정글몹 스폰 시간이 1:30 으로 변경됩니다.
3. outter아마 1차터렛인거같은데요 파괴시 부순사람은 250 동맹에겐 75가 적용됩니다.
4. 새로운 정글 아이템이 정글러에게 많은 수입을 줄꺼같네요.
5. 바론 버프는 타워에게 주는 타격치를 높이고 전투를 끝냈을시 이동속도 증가 ap/ad증가는 제거됩니다.
6. 4분전에 첫번째 킬이나올시 240으로 보상감소
7. 마스터리의 변화로 중간 라이너에 변화를주고 그 중간라이너는 많은 로밍을 다녀야할것입니다.
8. 봇 라인 이긴 서포터는 라인전후 큰 캐리력을 가지게됩니다.
추가 사항
흠.. 다른내용으로는 간단하게 적어보겠습니다.
1. 정글 시간이 바뀌게 되면서 레벨1 인베이드 싸움이 줄어들것같다고 하네요
2. 새로운 장신구를 효과적으로 써야한다는데 그 능력은 투시력,스텔스 탐지 이렇게 나와있습니다.
서포터를 위한 아이템인거 같은데요. 서포터를 위한 어시스트 시스템과 서포터들의 캐리력이 강력해질수있는 방안이 생긴것 같습니다.
Misaya : Madlife와 같이 게임을했는데 8분전 현자의돌,루비시야석 and물약을 가지고있었다. 우리는쉽게 그 경기를 이겼다.
3. 이번에 나올 새 정글 아이템으로 얻는 돈의 양이 많을것같다. 랜턴으로 정글을 잡으면 40%추가로 골드를 준다.
이정도 인거같네요 나머지는 시즌3보다 더재밋을꺼같다 좀더 아이템사기 수월하다 경험치 획득이 증가한다 이런내용입니다.
Minion spawn time changed to 1:00
Monster spawn time changed to 1:30
Outter tower (possibly all towers) gold distribution changed to killer 250 allies 75 each.
New jungle item gives significantly increased gold income for jungler.
Baron buff remade to increase tower killing damage by a large % and grant a out-of-combat MS boost(like ms5 boots). the old regen and ap/ad buff removed
First blood within first 4 minutes reduced reward to 240 gold.
Mid laner will gain abit from masteries change. also mid laner need to roam alot more.
Bot lane lane winner support will be a very big carry after lane phase.
edit 1: first 4 minutes general kill reward could reduced to 200 as assist gold increased. this can explain about the first blood change.
Hello, this is Misaya from Team WE. S4 testing in Los Angeles concluded just a few days ago, so today I'm here to share some of the changes.
Firstly, I think these S4 changes will make the game more competitive and interesting.
In the S4 preseason tournaments, there will be much fewer level 1 fights. Minions spawn at 1:00 and jungle camps spawn at 1:30 (on the test client now, but subject to changes). The appearance of Trinkets (3 abilities: a 60s ward, clairvoyance, and a small stealth detection) will let level 1 fights be less feasible. Level 1 fights will be very rare in future ranked and tournament games. Another thing to note is that the gold from First Blood before 4 minutes is also reduced to 240. Who would sacrifice lane experience for so little gold in a level 1 fight?
The changes to the vision system and the positions of bushes will let skirmishes happen more often.Whoever can best utilize the new Trinkets (a 7th item slot dedicated to vision items) will directly decide your vision control and come out ahead in skirmishes. How to use Trinkets should be the first thing to learn; they are definitely the most important items in this version of the game.
Big changes to the assist system and support role will let the support have more carrying power. In this version, supports can get gold from various sources (masteries, assists, towers, new items, and the gold ADs obtain). In the testing, I found out that gold from assists are just way too much. During testing, Madlife would always have a lot of items. One time, when he was supporting me, he had Philosopher's Stone, Ruby Sightstone, and potions before 8 minutes. We won that match easily. If support and AD can win bot lane, the support can definitely carry. I believe many different supports will appear in future tournaments :)
The changes to jungle involve a new jungle camp and itemization changes. I've got to say that right now,the gold increase from jungle items is too much, especially Wriggles Lantern (giving an additional 40% gold of jungle creeps in testing). Several other items also give pretty good gold. The increase to assist gold will let the jungler, who is already roaming all game, get more gold. The new jungle camp is definitely a blessing in the preseason. It gives decent experience and gold, and isn't hard to take down. It also gives balance to the map, letting every quarter of the map have 3 jungle camps, making jungle diversity richer.
The S4 changes are definitely interesting, and we had a lot of fun in testing. Support is no longer negligible, and the changes to masteries also let AP become more interesting. Although support and junglers are becoming stronger, the damage of AP and AD will also increase due to masteries changes. This version of the game will need the AP to be more active in roaming in tandem with the jungler, since there are more resources to contest on the map. How to help the jungle and other lanes get more jungle resources and tower gold will the main objective of the new season.
During testing, we found that every game proceeded very quickly. The gold increase from first tier turrets (the killer of the first tier turret will get 250 gold + 75 gold to everyone), will let the game develop faster. On the whole, the game rhythm will develop from active early game fights: towers, dragon, and buffs will all become extremely important objectives to contest. The Sightstone will also let the winning side get more chances to attack, while the defending side will also have some ability to strike back.
The changes to Baron buff (the buff holding side will receive a buff similar to Mobility boots and a percentage increase to tower damage). So with the buff, the speed of taking down towers is like...I think a TF with Lich Bane and Deathcap can take down an inhibitor turret in 2 blue cards? Baron buff no longer gives any fighting power, so the defending side has to actively attack, or else the towers go down way too fast.
After testing, I am truly looking forward to the preseason. This will definitely be a very fun version. We'vce been playing the S3 version for a very long time. Even though S3 is an excellent version, I am still eager for the new version, because the changes are very interesting and attractive. Nobody knows which champions and what strategies will become mainstream in the preseason tournaments.
Are you guys excited for the new season? Let's await the Preseason together!
'GAME' 카테고리의 다른 글
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